讲座时间: 10月9日下午2:30
主讲人: Mona Jerusha Mccormack
简介:出生日期: 1943年5月30日,出生地:美国。爱尔兰都柏林大学教授,中爱文学-文化关系研究专家,北京外国语大学讲座教授
讲座题目:詹姆斯·乔伊斯与鲁迅:解放一个民族的精神(James Joyce and Luxun: Liberating the spirits of a nation)
内容简介:Although James Joyce and Lu Xun were both writing at a time when a new nation was being created, little has been written about their common mission. Both understood a new nation must first be created in the hearts and minds of its people. Coming from a medical background, each came independently to regard their countrymen as sick in spirit, paralyzed by slavish dependencies. Joyce saw such servility as fostered by Ireland’s long colonization under the British Crown, a subservience seconded by the “tyranny” of the Roman Catholic Church. For Lu Xun, this spiritual paralysis manifested itself as a legacy of the Confucianism of the late Qing dynasty. From this initial diagnosis, through their writing, both Joyce and Lu Xun sought to liberate the “soul” or “spirit” of their people by giving them a voice at last in their own language, that of the vernacular.