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时间 2018-10-03 19:30:00 主讲 凌靜怡 (Andrea Lingenfelter)
地点 外语沙龙

讲座时间: 103日(周三)晚1900


主讲人: 凌靜怡 (Andrea Lingenfelter)

简介凌靜怡 (Andrea Lingenfelter),加州大學聖地牙哥畢業,耶魯大學碩士,華盛頓州大學(西雅圖)博士,詩人,翻譯家,獨立學者。博士論文A Marked Category 寫了九位現當代詩人,包括林徽因,鄭敏,西西,翟永明,夏宇等。翻譯作品有李碧華的小說《霸王別姬》和《川島芳子》,棉棉的小說《糖》,韓麗珠的短篇小說集《風箏家族》,翟永明的詩選 《更衣室》(The Changing Room),陳凱歌的 《風月》的字幕,林子的《海上城市》(The Fragile House)的字幕;還翻譯過不少兩岸三地的詩人 (楊牧,王寅,陳克華,夏宇,劉克襄, 池凌雲,零雨,等)和小說家的作品,發表在 Asian Cha, Two Lines, Granta, Chinese Literature Today, World Literature Today, Chicago Review, Mantis, Zoland Poetry Annual。凌靜怡博士曾取得美國亨利 • 魯斯基金會中國詩歌與翻譯獎學金, 美國國家藝術基金會的2014年文學翻譯獎學金,與加州北部書獎。目前的翻譯計劃有:一本王寅的詩集,王安憶的長篇小說《天香》,和翟永明的《雖黃公望游富春山》。評論有The Quarterly Conversation的書評和LARB China Channel的評論 (The Epistemology of Surveillance https://chinachannel.org/2018/09/10/dragonfly-eyes/)。詩歌發表在Asian CHAStrix等刊物。舊金山大學的老師,教翻譯,當代東亞文學電影等,兼任舊金山大學亞太研究中心,亞太聚焦雜誌,編輯主任。






“Where You End and I Begin: Notes on Subjectivity and Ethics in the Translation of Poetry”, Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 14.2 (2018)

“Imagine a Symbol in a Dream: Translating Yang Mu” Chinese Literature Today (2014)

“Gendering in Translation” Chinese Literature Today (2013)

“Opposition and Adaptation in the Poetry of Zhai Yongming and Xia Yu” (Chinese translation) in Flowering Fields in Foreign Lands: Selected Translations of Studies of Taiwan Literature from Overseas (異地繁花: 海外臺灣文論選翻譯). Li Shixue (李奭學), Ed. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press (2012)  

“Opposition and Adaptation in the Poetry of Zhai Yongming and Xia Yu”. In New Perspectives on Chinese Poetry, Christopher Lupke, ed. New York: Palgrave, 2008

“A Marked Category: Nine Women of Twentieth Century Modern Chinese Poetry, 1920-1997.” Dissertation, University of Washington, 1998

Original Poetry:

Voice and Verse (February 2018)

Strix Issue No. One (excerpt)

Cha (March 2016, 2 poems)

Full Tilt 1 (3 poems)

Poetry Now (Fall 2007, 2 poems)


“Translating the Paper Republic: A Conversation with Eric Abrahamsen.” World Literature Today, May-Aug 2014

“China's Foremost Feminist Poet Zhai Yongming Converses on Her Art, Her Bar and Chinese Women's Writing, Past and Present.” Full Tilt 3: A Journal of East-Asian Poetry, Translation and the Arts. http://fulltilt.ncu.edu.tw/

“Howard Goldblatt on How the Navy Saved His Life and Why Literary Translation Matters.” Full Tilt 2: A Journal of East-Asian Poetry, Translation and the Arts. http://fulltilt.ncu.edu.tw/


Invited speaker, Chinese Book Reviewers’ Weekend, Leeds University, November 2017

“Translating Hong Kong” (Panel Organizer, ACCL Conference, The Chinese University of Hong, June 21-23, 2017)

“Where I End and You Begin”, Translation and Modern Chinese Poetry: Moving the Goalposts, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, June 16, 2017

“A Polyphony of Voices: A Roundtable on Translating Contemporary Sinophone Literature”, University of San Francisco, October 5, 2016

“City of Words: Shanghai Identity and Sense of Place in the Fiction of Wang Anyi”, University of San Francisco, Chinese Studies Research Group, May 2015

“Translating Greater China”, with Howard Goldblatt, University of San Francisco, November 2014



Vanishing Act, by Mian Mian. Éditions Moreu, 2018 (novella)

Candy, by Mian Mian. Boston: Back Bay Books, 2003

Farewell My Concubine, by Lilian Lee (Li Bihua, Li Pik-wah). New York: William Morrow and

Co., 1993

The Last Princess of Manchuria, by Lilian Lee. New York: Morrow, 1989

Poetry (Single-Author Volume):

The Changing Room: Selected Poems of Zhai Yongming. Zephyr Press, 2011

Short Fiction:

“Puma” by Hon Lai Chu, in Words Without Borders (June 2018)

Stories by Liao Hung-chi and excerpt by Liu Ka-shiang, in Taiwan Literature English Translation Series: Special Issue on Animal Writing in Taiwan Literature, 41 (January 2018)

“Stolen Kidney” by Hon Lai Chu, in Asian Cha, December 2017.

“The Sanctimonious Cobbler”, by Wang Anyi, in By the River (University of Oklahoma, 2016)

“Stolen Language From the Womb” by Hon Lai Chu, in Tales of Our Time (New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 2016)

The Kite Family, by Hon Lai Chu. Hong Kong: Muse, 2015. (Collection of short fiction)

“Forrest Woods, Chair”, by Hon Lai Chu, Two Lines (Issue 21, Fall 2014)

Excerpt from Padma. The Literary Review. Fall 2008

“A Taiwanese Girl” (short fiction) by Lin Jinlan. Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series

Journal #23

Contemporary Chinese Poetry in Journals and Anthologies:

Yang Mu, selected poems, in Hawk of the Mind: Collected Poems (Columbia University Press, 2018)

Lost Wax; contributor, with Jonathan Stalling and others (Tinfish Press, 2016)

Chinese Literature Today, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2104), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2014)

Mantis 10 (2012)

Pathlight (Issues 1, 2 and 3, 2011-2012)

Granta (online)

Push Open the Window (Copper Canyon 2011)

Chinese Writers on Writing (Trinity University Press, 2010)

Zoland Poetry annual (Spring 2009) (translations of poems by Zhai Yongming)

Hayden’s Ferry International. Fall/Winter 2007-2008, Issue 41

Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond. Tina

Chang, Natalie Handal, and Ravi Shankar eds. New York: W. W. Norton and Company,


Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, No. 5 (2007)

Images of the World, Songs from the Soul. Taipei: Taibeishi zhengfu wenhuaju, 2006

Full Tilt 1: A Journal of East-Asian Poetry, Translation and the Arts. http://fulltilt.ncu.edu.tw/

(poems by Hsia Yü)

Homeland and the World: An Anthology of Poems for the 2005 Taipei Poetry Festival. Hung

Hung and Steve Bradbury, eds. Taipei: Taibeishizhengfu wenhua ju, 2005

Sailing to Formosa: A Poetic Companion to Taiwan. Michelle Yeh, N. G. D. Malmqvist and Xu

Huizhi eds. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005

35th Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam, 2004. (Chapbook, poems by Ling Yu)

Frontier Taiwan: An Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry. Michelle Yeh and N. G. D.

Malmqvist, eds. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001

Mercury Rising: Contemporary Poetry from Taiwan. Frank Stewart, Arthur Sze and Michelle

Yeh, eds. Manoa 15:1 (2003)

The Poem and the World: An International Anthology, Book II. Seattle: The Literary Center, 1994

Film Subitles and Intertitles:

The Fragile House 海上城市, Li Mingyang 李明阳, prod., Lin Zi 林子, dir., (2018). Subtitles

The Cave of the Spider Women 盤絲洞, Dan Duyu 但杜宇 dir., (1927). Intertitles (SF Silent Film Festival 2015)

The Song of the Fishermen光曲, Cai Chusheng 蔡楚生 dir., (1934). Intertitles (SF Silent Film Festival 2014)

Temptress Moon, directed by Chen Kaige 陈凯, (1996). Subtitles


Wang Anyi, “Crossed Paths” in World Literature Today Vol. 90 No. 6 (November 2016)

Zhai Yongming, “Black Night Consciousness” in Chinese Writers on Writing (Trinity, 2010)

Yang Mu, “Further Reflections on the Headwaters of Taiwanese Poetry” in Chinese Writers on

Writing (Trinity, 2010)

Yang Dongping, Chengshi jifeng, excerpt (Foreign Policy, online edition, 2010)

Yin Lichuan, “Nakedness is Another Sort of Clothing” (Kyoto Journal #64)

Awards and Fellowships

Luce Translation Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center (Summer 2018)

Luce Translation Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center (September 2017)

Kiriyama Fellow 2013-2014, co-editor Asia Pacific Perspectives,

Center for the Pacific Rim, University of San Francisco, San Francisco CA

NEA Translation Grant FY2014

Northern California Book Award, Best Poetry in Translation 2012 (The Changing Room)

PEN Translation Fund Grant, 2008 (For the novel Padma [Lianhua], by Annie Baobei)

Jackson Fellowship, University of Washington, 1985-1988

University Fellowship and Title VI, Yale University, 1983-1984
